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After Party cleaning

To make the cleaning easier, you have to prepare before the party starts. To do that you will need to have ready your coasters and designate any area to keep food and drink out. Keep cloths, paper or towel handy to clean up any spills.

Put garbage bins in an obvious place.

  1. After the party is over and when you are ready to start cleaning the best place to begin is the kitchen as it will be the messiest. Before you start don't forget to open the windows to ventilate the place. Go around your place and collect all the glasses, bowls, plates and generally whatever is to go in the dishwasher. Now go again around your house and collect all the garbage and throw them in the bin.

  2. Now the second part you will start from the very end of your place having with you a cloth and a multipurpose cleaner. Start cleaning the affected areas.

  3. Now the last part has to do with some window cleaning- vacuuming and mopping

  4. The best time to clean you house is exactly after the end because of all the smells. If now you are to tiered to do all that you can at least take all the garbage out and clean the next day.

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